Fresno State Campus News
Campus News
April 22, 2024
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Campus Earth Day celebration
College students were a major driving force behind the original Earth Day in 1970 and they continue to stand at the forefront of environmental movements to this day. We can see how this is evident here at Fresno State where students play a major role in planning and executing impactful Earth Day events and experiences for the campus and surrounding community.
  Around Campus  
Mellon Foundation awards Fresno State $5 million for humanities internships
Professor Frederick Ringwald travels to Texas for solar eclipse
Volunteers needed and reserve a table for STAR Day
Calling all (employee) graduates
New research report: Analysis on Latinos in Higher Education
"Open Forum"
Open Forum - Dean of Library, Director of EH&S, AVP of Compliance
Fresno State fountain
Professional development workshops
Maximum cap for lodging
People giving high fives.
Faculty and staff high fives from April 10 - April 16
James Boren
Kudos to campus employees
Ginny Barnes
Employee spotlight: Ginny Barnes
Experts in the news
  Upcoming Events  
Earth Day events
International Coffee Hour - Japan
Craig Talks on employee monitoring, inland port and family business
Denim Day
Take Back the Night
Remnants: Embodied Archives of the Armenian Genocide
Division of Equity and Engagement Town Hall
Second annual Fresno State Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit
Staff and faculty mixer
May 1
Johanson Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) workshop
May 2
Johanson Fellows Workshop featuring Dr. Dave Goorahoo
  In Case You Missed It...