Fresno State Campus News
Campus News
July 8, 2024
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Photo of the Fresno State Magazine cover and inside featuring 50 years of Vintage Days.
See what’s inside the new issue of Fresno State Magazine
The new issue of Fresno State Magazine began hitting mailboxes on July 1 – reaching alumni and friends across the Central Valley, throughout the United States and across the globe.
  Around Campus  
Ken Heupel talking to a student who's holding a piece of wood
Losing a valued member of the campus community
Airplane flying in the blue sky with white clouds surrounding it.
Update to travel policy effective July 1
Alumni with Victor E.
PCI oral history project
campus overview
Prevent heat illness
Susan Pheasant
Experts in the news
Melissa Norris
Kudos to campus employees
Reverend James M. Lawson, Jr. and Dr. Veena Howard, Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy; Endowed Chair in Jain and Hindu Dharma; Director, M.K. Gandhi Center: Inner Peace and Sarvodaya
Celebrating the legacy of the Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr.
Staff in red t-shirts with hands over their heads.
Faculty and staff high fives from June 19 - July 2
  Upcoming Events  
Aug. 19
Career Champions Annual Gathering and Award Ceremony
  In Case You Missed It...