Fresno State Campus News
Campus News
February 14, 2022
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Dr. Ramar Henderson
Black History Month events include Racial Healing Circle
The Racial Healing Circle at Fresno State provides a dedicated space to help those affected by the pain of racism on psychological, spiritual, physical and emotional levels.
  Around Campus  
Amy E. Allen, Associate Director, Student Involvement
Employee spotlight: Amy E. Allen, Student Involvement
Woman wearing a mask at Red Friday giving two thumbs up.
Faculty and staff High Fives from Feb. 2 to 8
Top Dog awards.
Top Dog Award honorees announced
Dr. Brad A. Jones, associate professor, history,
Kudos to campus employees
Green link with lock for secure websites
Smart Cybersecurity Habits
  Upcoming Events  
Gender and Identities 101
Men's Discussion Group
Armenia v. Azerbaijan in the International Court of Justice
Keyboard Concert featuring pianist Jeremy Denk
Feb. 22
Asian Faculty and Staff Association virtual tea social
Feb. 24
Men in Higher Education
  In Case You Missed It...