The Central Utility Plant Replacement (CUPR) project will unfortunately impact many areas of campus, including many trees and landscaped areas. To ensure impacts are mitigated and minimized to the extent possible, our amazing Campus Arboretum Committee has been meeting with the CUPR P3 developer team to review and approve a CUPR Landscape Restoration Plan.
The CUPR Landscape Restoration Plan will ensure the campus grounds (including any impacted monuments and other significant areas like the Peace Garden) are restored to pre-construction conditions after the underground utility work is completed.
A Tree Protection Plan is included in the CUPR Landscape Restoration plan. Any trees that must be removed due to construction will be replaced per the requirements of the Campus Arboretum Tree Care Plan. A total of 260 (4.3%) trees will be impacted by the underground piping phase of the project. For every medium or large tree that is removed, two trees will be replanted in its place.
With this project there will be opportunities to improve some of the existing landscapes during the restoration phase of the project, allowing us to continue to focus on climate-resilient and drought-tolerant landscape.
Please contact Facilities Management at 559.278.2373 if you have any questions. We would appreciate your feedback on the CUPR project. Please submit any concerns here.