Fresno State Campus News
Campus News
June 5, 2017
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How genocide fueled his passion for justice
Now in his 23rd year teaching at Fresno State, Dr. Matthew Jendian, professor and chair of the Sociology Department, knew early on what he wanted to do with his life. It was evident even when he was in first grade.
  Around Campus  
Bulletin Board news for the week of June 5
Student Success Story: Making big moves
Dr. Perez leads service-learning trip
Losing a valued member of the campus community
Campus News runs bi-weekly during the summer
Photo of the week
  Upcoming Events  
This Summer
Professional development opportunities
Deadline for Outstanding Faculty Leader Award Nominations
June 7
Shirley Armbruster's retirement party
June 14
Farewell to Kathleen Schock
June 15
Monthly Conversations on Inclusion, Respect, Equity
June 17
Renaissance Scholars Program 5k Walk and Run
  In Case You Missed It...