Give your colleagues a “High Five” for things such as excellent customer service, “saving my bacon” and going above and beyond.
High Fives are easy to give — simply click “Give a High Five” and fill out the form for a faculty or staff member only. Your message will be delivered straight to the recipient's inbox, and they will be acknowledged weekly in Campus News.
Continue below to read about how your colleagues are going above and beyond to help the campus community.
(Note: Campus News edited comments only for misspellings and missing or incomplete words. They appear mostly as written for each employee.)
Provide Excellent Customer Service
Antoinette Castanon, Procurement and Support Services
Always goes above and beyond to provide excellent customer service. She always follows up on all requests.
Saved my Bacon!
Marisa Mata, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Marisa is such a great office mate! She is always there to check my emails and edit them when necessary. She is so smart and is a great writer. I never see her say no when asked to help, she really is a great addition to the team. I am so happy I get to work with her.