Join Dr. Felipe Mercado for a Mental Health/Book Signing Event hosted by his Social Work 213, Theory of Diversity and Oppression class. These graduate students are future therapists, and are leading the charge to optimize wellness and wellbeing in our community.
Mercado is an Amazon best selling author of "A Journey to Compassion: Standing firm in the face of pain." This event aims to raise awareness about mental health issues in our community and is a unique opportunity for meaningful engagement. It is an honor to feature mental health resources and representatives from Fresno Family Counseling Center, Project Rebound, Centro La Famila, Hinds Hospice (Center for Grief and Healing, Survivors of Suicide Loss, and Hospice), and Project HOPE. Don't miss this chance to participate in important conversations about mental health and show your support for mental health awareness.
Date: Tuesday, April 18
Time: 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Location: Library, 2nd floor, room 2206
For more information, contact Dr. Felipe Mercado at