Don't miss all the professional development and wellness and activity classes offered on campus. Visit the calendar for course details and registration.
Enhancing Your Technical Skills
OU Campus Training
Tues., September 4, 11 – 1 p.m., Library 3212
Learn how to navigate OUCampus and post text, photos, graphics, and tables to your campus websites.
Leadership Skills for Managers & Department Chairs
Principles of Supervision Alumni Luncheon
Thurs., September 6, 12 – 1:30 p.m., Library 2134
Join fellow Principles of Supervision alumni for a pizza/salad luncheon and brief check-in with colleagues from your cohort and others who completed the 2 day Principles of Supervision workshop.
Share with others how you are applying the skills and tools covered in Principles and Supervision, how it is going with your Accountability Buddy, and what additional workshops you’d like to see to enhance your skills as a manager/chair/lead.
We are also planning a brief conversation about Compassionate Leadership. In preparation for our meeting, please take 10 minutes to read the article found here and complete the simple online assessment.
Activity Classes
Wed., 12:10 - 12:40 p.m., ED 360
Get ready to sculpt, tone, and burn calories with a variety of aerobic & resistance exercises that provide a challenging new workout every week.
Thurs., 12:10 - 12:40 p.m., South Gym 134
With a combination of aerobic activity, agility, balance, and strength training, you can shed any unwanted pounds and tone your muscles in this moderate exercise class.
Fri., 12:10 - 12:40 p.m., ED 360
A mind-body practice that combines gentle stretching exercises, controlled breathing, relaxation techniques and restorative poses.