The soprano Zabelle Panosian (b. Bardizag 1891; d. New York City 1986) was among the most significant voices of the genocide generation of Armenian-Americans. She recorded 11 songs from March 1917 to June 1918 for Columbia Records in New York City and personally raised millions of dollars for the relief of Armenians through benefit concerts in the late 1910s, regularly collaborating with the tenor Armenag Shah-Mouradian. Her recordings resonated with audiences for decades. She toured Europe successfully and sought out Komitas Vardapet in Paris, publishing a first-hand account of her meeting with him as a devotee of his work.
Date: Thursday, Oct. 13
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Industrial Technology Building, Room 101
For more information about upcoming events contact the Armenian Studies Program at 559.278.2669.