The Anthropology Department and the Anthropology Club, in working partnership with American Indian Studies and the Campus Office of Tribal Relations, are honored to be hosting Tim Mentz Sr., tribal elder and cultural monitor from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, for a talk: "Protecting Sacred Places and Dakota Homelands."
About Tim Mentz Sr.: A native of Standing Rock, Tim was born in a two-room log house on the Missouri River’s banks, he grew up listening to the oral teachings of the Lakota and Dakota handed down for generations from his grandmother. Tim has dedicated his life to protecting cultural and sacred places. He has served the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in different capacities including Tribal Historic Preservation Officer. Beyond Standing Rock, Tim is a founder of Makoche Wowapi, which means “earth writings” focused on identification and protection of Dakota/Lakota cultural heritage sites. Tim’s work to protect sacred places has taken him to many places including Hawai'i to share knowledge as a resource to others seeking to protect sacred places, cultural and burial sites.
Date: Friday, March 28
Time: Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Location: Table Mountain Rancheria Reading Room, Fresno State Library (3rd Floor)
For questions or to request accommodations, please contact Dr. Dvera Saxton at