You may have noticed the beautiful green grass in front of the Resnick Student Union and Maple Mall, now that the Central Utility Plant Replacement (CUPR) project fence has been removed. Restoration of our campus grounds is starting to occur, which is very exciting.
You may also have noticed that grass in other areas of campus is looking more dormant. This is actually part of a transition plan that the Grounds Services team began in 2021, to start transitioning the campus to Bermuda grass. Bermuda grass will improve the integrity of the grass, decrease water use and minimize maintenance. However, this transition takes between three and five years before the full-stand Bermuda grass germinates and grows more abundantly.
Moving forward into next fall, overseeding efforts will continue through the winter months and will ultimately result in green landscaping year-round.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, contact Tim Breshears, manager of ground services,