Dr. Luca Brillante, assistant professor of viticulture and Bronco Wine Company Viticulture Research Chair, was interviewed about how area red wine grape growers can can improve grape color (and better manage anthocyanin content).
This video appeared in American Vineyard online. (March 12) Three Ways to Improve Color in Red Wine Grapes
Dr. Diane Blair, professor in the Department of Communication, spoke on whether courses with an in-person element, and classes, such as communication courses, which she teaches, should remain primarily face to face.
The article appeared in Ed Source. (March 17) How the pandemic changed higher education in California
Dr. Gena Gong, a lecturer in the Department of Anthropology, was quoted regarding fear of violence in the Asian American community.
This video appeared on ABC30. (March 17) Atlanta shooting escalates fear and concern among Asian American community
Mark Keppler, executive director of The Maddy Institute, was featured in a story about the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom as well as quoted in an article regarding political timing.
The story aired on ABC30. (March 15) Newsom Launches Campaign Against Likely Recall
The article appeared in Spectrum News 1. (March 13) Year in COVID: Governments are Still Earning Voters' Trust
Dr. Stephan Sommer, director of the Viticulture and Enology Research Center, was mentioned in a TV story about the new campus viticulture greenhouse that begins construction in March.
This video appeared on ABC30. (March 13) Fresno State starts construction on new greenhouse
Dr. Jacob Wenger, assistant professor of entomology for the plant science department, was featured on the PBS series American Grown: My Job Depends on Ag on its episode about the vital role that bees play in the Central Valley for 90 commodities.
This video was posted to Facebook. (March 3) American Grown: My Job Depends on Ag - 'Way to Bee'