On Tuesday, June 4, work will begin on site improvements north of the Satellite Student Union and San Ramon Avenue.
The project will provide a more aesthetic view of the SSU when entering campus from Barstow and Maple avenues. Also included in the project are pedestrian safety improvements at the intersection of Maple and San Ramon avenues and improvements in ADA parking and path of travel.
The anticipated completion date is Aug. 1. The estimated cost of this project is $700,000 and is funded by campus reserves, parking revenues and auxiliary funds.
Road and parking lot closures for the duration of the project include:
- San Ramon Avenue will be closed between parking lots P17 and P6
- Parking lot P17 will be closed
If you usually park in lot P17, please park in lots P15, P16 and P6. Yellow permit holders are authorized to park in P15.
Persons with disabilities are encouraged to contact Campus Dispatch at 559.278.8400 for assistance.
Please contact Traffic Operations at 559.278.2950 if you have questions or need additional information.