Don't miss the next edition of Cafe Scientifique on Monday, July 9, at 7 p.m.
Scott Barton, director of the Fresno Chaffee Zoo, will be the featured speaker.
Fresno Chaffee Zoo Conservation Programs
Santa Fe Basque Restaurant
3110 N. Maroa Ave.
Association of Zoos and Aquariums contribute over $200 million a year to field conservation efforts around the world. Fresno Chaffee Zoo is involved in a number of conservation programs, from African elephants in Tanzania to Western pond turtles in the San Joaquin Valley. We’ll discuss the role of modern zoos in field conservation, and how Fresno Chaffee Zoo contributes to those efforts.
Note: This is the second Monday in July. Central Valley Cafe Scientifique is usually held on first Mondays at the Santa Fe Basque Restaurant at 7 p.m.