Welcome back to Spring 2025!
I am sharing an important organizational change that is taking place in January 2025. The Division of Research and Graduate Studies is separated into two independent units: the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Division of Graduate Studies.
Dr. Jason Bush has accepted the full-time commitment as interim associate vice president of Research and Sponsored Programs and Dr. Elizabeth Lowham is serving as interim dean of Graduate Studies (in addition to her duties as dean of the College of Social Sciences). Dr. Joy Goto will serve as senior interim associate dean of the College of Science and Mathematics.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Goto for her hard work, initiatives and leadership during these past three years serving as interim dean of Research and Graduate Studies. I equally appreciate Dr. Bush and Dr. Lowham for accepting these new responsibilities. They bring with them years of leadership experience in their respective areas.
I also take this opportunity to thank all managers, staff and advisors in the research/sponsored programs office and in the graduate studies office. They have worked diligently and innovatively in serving faculty and students, and they have given their support, advice and assistance during this transition. Their hard work and dedication are deeply appreciated.
Restructuring the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Division of Graduate Studies allows the campus to continue to pursue excellence in support for research and serving graduate students, both key elements of our status as an R2 institution.
An independent Office of Research and Sponsored Programs can advance the university’s research goals by supporting faculty with grants, compliance and external collaborations, while continuing to be responsive to research-active faculty and staff needs. An independent Division of Graduate Studies highlights Fresno State’s leadership in graduate education in the Central Valley by focusing on enhancing programs, recruitment, retention and student support.
Separating these units aligns Fresno State with institutional and statewide goals, mirroring structures at peer and aspirational institutions. The Division of Graduate Studies can deepen its focus on graduate student success, academic excellence, and professional and pre-professional preparation. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs can strengthen ties with industry and community partners, as well as expand innovation toward new levels of support and excellence in research. Independent operations allow each unit to address unique challenges, to streamline processes, and advocate more effectively for resources, programming and structures that best meet their purposes while still allowing for intentional and meaningful collaboration as appropriate.
This restructuring will enhance Fresno State’s competitiveness in both areas, serve its communities better, and continue to position itself as a leader in research and graduate education within California and nationally.
Please join me in welcoming and congratulating Dr. Goto and Dr. Bush on their respective new roles and Dr. Lowham for her dual deanship roles. I look forward to working with them and all of you in advancing the excellence of our Division of Graduate Studies and Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.