Robert Costa, renowned journalist, was hosted by the Maddy Institute during his recent visit to the San Joaquin Valley on December 2, 2024. Known for his insightful political analysis and in-depth reporting, Costa brought his wealth of knowledge to our community, inspiring students, faculty, and local leaders alike.
Costa began his visit by meeting with student leaders, including The Maddy Institute’s legislative interns, ASI representatives, and members of The Collegian. He shared stories from his career and offered valuable advice for those aspiring to follow a path in journalism or public service. Following the meeting, Costa met with local journalists to answer questions about the election results and what lies ahead for both political parties.
In the evening, Costa delivered an insightful talk on the current political landscape, emphasizing the importance of informed civic participation. He highlighted how national policies and trends impact local communities, sparking meaningful discussions on the challenges and opportunities facing the San Joaquin Valley.
This event was free and open to the public thanks to the support of the President’s Office, Institute for Media and Public Trust, and The James B. McClatchy Foundation.
For those unable to attend, a recording of the event is available on YouTube. Costa also joined Blake Zante for a special Maddy Report episode, continuing the conversation of his coverage on national politics and American democracy.