The Fresno International Transportation Innovations / 2025 S.T.E.P. Summit is a global conference bringing together leaders in sustainable transportation and policy, with a focus on sustainable transportation energy, on your online and/or streaming platforms.
The summit will feature keynote speakers, panel discussions, and research projects, covering critical topics such as transportation energy, infrastructure, sustainability, and emerging technologies. In addition to discussions, the summit will showcase a vehicle exhibition, as well as the Moving Tomorrow: Art of Clean Futures Juried Art Exhibition in partnership with the Fresno Arts Council, highlighting the intersection of transportation and creativity.
This year’s event is sponsored by public and private agencies throughout the state, including Caltrans, Fresno Council of Governments, Measure C, CA High-Speed Rail, Amtrak, and more.
Date: Friday, March 7
Time: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Location: Valdez Hall, 702 M St., Fresno
Register: Here
For more information, visit the website or contact them at