Dr. Blain Roberts, professor of history, discussed her decision to consider recording all her in-person classes and posting them online for at least the first month of school until the vaccine deadline.
The story appeared in Sacramento News and Review (Aug. 17) California State University deadline could lead to unvaccinated students on campus and missed classes
Betsy Hays, professor, Media, Communications, and Journalism Department, discussed her idea of a guide that would set out what businesses need to know about advertising on the different platforms and what services are available to do so. This led to a partnership between a local public relations firm and Fresno State students.
The story appeared in The Business Journal (Aug. 13) PR Firm, Students Unite For Restaurant Social Media Guide
Dr. Thomas Holyoke, professor of political science, was quoted on Gov. Newsome tackling issues such as fossil fuels, groundwater extraction and wildfire management issues that could cost him votes.
The story appeared in USA Today (Aug. 16) California recall: Environmentalists fear a one-time climate change denier could oust Newsom