It's not your average career choice, but Dr. Melissa Jordine is an expert in the history of Nazi Germany.
At Fresno State since 2001, she became a tenure-track faculty member in the History Department in 2005.
"As an undergraduate, I attended a lecture by Dr. William Combs, who had conducted interviews with former Nazi Officers, and became interested in the history of the Third Reich and the Second World War," she said. "I was able to work with Dr. Combs, as an undergraduate, and then applied to graduate school at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. I worked with Dr. Donald Detwiler and researched the German campaign in North Africa."
She said it is impossible to designate just one part of her position at Fresno State as the most rewarding.
"The department, college and University have provided support that enabled me to conduct research at the British and U.S. National Archives, which resulted in a more complete picture regarding specific issues — such as the harbor and supply situation in North Africa — to emerge," she said.
Another rewarding aspect of her position has been teaching courses on Germany, World War II and the Holocaust.
"I developed and implemented a project-based learning assignment in the Holocaust course that requires students to create a multimedia museum exhibit using Pathbrite’s ePortfolio Platform," she said. "And I published an article focused on using ePortfolios to increase student engagement and learning. I have also worked with students on research projects, including students awarded undergraduate research awards and those working on M.A. theses."
Aside from teaching and doing research, Jordine has served as a department, college and University assessment coordinator.
"I have been working with departments on my own — as well as the other seven colleges on campus and with the Library and Smittcamp Honors Program — to carry out meaningful assessment that enables us not just to meet external accreditation requirements, but also to be able to more effectively support our students," she said.
Jordine's assignment as director of Assessment is critical to the University.
"Last summer I updated the Assessment of Learning section of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness website and will continue to update these webpages in order to provide current information, to provide examples and resources for new assessment coordinators, and to highlight examples of best assessment practices on our campus," she said.
She is also working with the five faculty committees that have developed a plan to implement the campus-wide assessment of one of the five Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) undergraduate core competencies: written communication, oral communication, information literacy, critical thinking and quantitative reasoning.
"It has been extremely valuable for me personally and beneficial for the campus to have a designated director of Assessment to facilitate the communication of important information, to be available to meet with faculty and departments and to discuss assessment related issues with the AVP of OIE, the dean of Undergraduate Studies, the dean of Research and Graduate Studies and the vice-provost," she said.
Jordine said the Fresno State accreditation team — consisting of approximately two dozen faculty and administrators — demonstrated the value of Fresno State and its programs to such an extent that the University was awarded the longest possible re-accreditation term of 10 years.
She is also a member of the task force focused on High Impact Practices, which is connected to Goal 1 of the academic strategic plan.
When not teaching about the past, Jordine loves to read and travel.
"I joined the CVCCA (Central Valley Charitable Cycling Association), which raises money for local charities and requires everyone who joins the team to ride a century or 100 miles," she said. "Two years ago CVCCA organized a week-long bicycle tour in Ireland."
Jordine is married to the interim dean of Social Sciences, Dr. Michelle DenBeste. Her stepson is 23 and attends Portland State University.
Jordine has a B.A. from Western Illinois University and an M.A. and a Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
"All of my degrees are in history," she said. "My dissertation focuses on German intervention in North Africa during the Second World War."